Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Scientific Errors in Genesis

1. The Earth is older than the stars in the sky.  Genesis 1:6-10 & 14-19.

2. Plants existed on Earth before the Sun existed. Genesis 1:11-19.

3. Birds existed on the Earth before land animals existed on the Earth. Genesis 1:20-31.

4. All of the different kinds of land animals began existing on the Earth at about the same time, including human beings. Genesis 1:24-31.

5. The first humans were created by God and did NOT evolve from other animals. Genesis 1:24-31.

6. There was no death on the planet Earth until human beings came into existence.  Genesis 3:17-20 (see also: Romans 5:12 & 1 Corinthians 15:21). 

7. Humans have only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years. 2,008 years from Adam's creation to Abraham's birth (Genesis 5:3-32 & Genesis 11:10-26). Abraham's birth was between 2166 BCE and 1755 BCE. 

8. Plants have only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years.

9. Animals living in the oceans have only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years.

10. Land animals have only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years.

11. The planet Earth has only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years.

12. The Sun has only existed for about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years.

13. There was a worldwide flood about 5,000 years ago.  Noah was born about 1,056 years after Adam was created, and the flood happened when Noah was 600 years old. Genesis 5:3-32 & 7:6. Adam was created about 6,500 (5,700 to 7,600) years ago.

14. All human beings now alive descended from one man who lived about 5,000 years ago (Noah). Genesis 6:1 to 9:1.

15. All land animals now alive descended from a very small number of animals (of each kind of land animal) who survived a worldwide flood on Noah's ark about 5,000 years ago. Genesis 6:1 to 9:1.

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