Tuesday, December 29, 2020

SCIENTIFIC ERROR #3: Birds existed on the Earth before land animals existed on the Earth.

 Scientific Errors in Genesis

3. Birds existed on the Earth before land animals existed on the Earth. 

According to Genesis, God created birds on the fourth day (Genesis 1:20-23):

 According to Genesis, God created land animals on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-26 & 31):

So, according to the Bible, birds began to exist BEFORE land animals began to exist.

But according to modern science (biology and paleontology), land animals began to exist long before birds began to exist.

According to modern science, land animals began to exist about 400 million years ago ("Timeline: The Evolution of Life", New Scientist, July 14, 2009):


According to modern science, birds evolved about 150 million years ago ("Timeline: The Evolution of Life", New Scientist, July 14, 2009):

Many scientists consider Archaeopteryx to be the first birds (they appeared about 150 million years ago), but some scientists believe that birds evolved a bit earlier than that.  In any case, birds first appeared sometime between 165 and 150 million years ago ("The Origin and Diversification of Birds", Current Biology, Volume 25, Issue 19, 5 October 2015, Pages R888-R898):


According to modern science, land animals began to exist about 400 million years ago, and birds began to exist about 150 million years ago.  Thus, land animals existed about 250 million years before there were any birds.  Therefore, the Bible's assertion (in Genesis) that birds existed on Earth before land animals existed on Earth is false.  This is another scientific error in the Bible.

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