Sunday, January 3, 2021


If the story of creation in just six days is a fictional myth, and the story of Adam and Eve in the garden is a fictional myth, and the story of Noah and the worldwide flood is fictional myth, and the Tower-of-Babel story of the origin of languages is fictional myth, then why would God expect readers of the Bible to interpret the Gospels literally?

According to Evangelical Christians, we are supposed to believe that Jesus was a literal flesh-and-blood person, who was literally born to a woman who was literally a virgin, and that Jesus literally cast literal demons out of people to literally heal them of blindness and deafness and mental illness, and that Jesus literally turned water into wine, and that Jesus literally walked on water, and that Jesus literally died on the cross, and that Jesus literally came back to life a couple days later, and that Jesus literally rose up into the sky after appearing to some of his followers.  And yet, God inspired the Bible so that the very first book in it was filled with fantastical stories that we are NOT SUPPOSED to read in a literal manner!

If we take this Evangelical view seriously, what it implies is that either God is VERY STUPID and thus incapable of communicating clearly to human beings, or else that God does NOT WANT the Bible to be a clear and understandable message that promotes belief in the literal truth of the Gospel. Since God, if God exists, is omniscient, we can eliminate the first alternative (that God is VERY STUPID), and conclude that God does NOT WANT the Bible to be a clear and understandable message that promotes belief in the literal truth of the Gospel.

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